Privacy Policy

Last Revised: April 5th, 2024

Your privacy is important, so we created this privacy policy to help you understand how we collect, store, use, or disclose your personal information. Unless stated otherwise, this Privacy Policy applies when we interact with you through our online services, including but not limited to our web site, application and contact forms, email correspondence, and any other services that we link to this Privacy Policy.

Who are we?

Our web site and all pages thereof, including the web site through which you accessed this Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Web Site” or “Site”) are each operated by Checker Software Inc. and/or one or more of its affiliates and/or agents (“Diffchecker” or “we” or “We” or “our” or “Our”). This Privacy Policy, and the personal information handling practices described herein, apply to the Web Site and the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information by us through the Web Site. Unless stated otherwise, this Privacy Policy applies to all pages of the Site through which you accessed this Privacy Policy, and, unless otherwise stated thereon, to any other Diffchecker Web Site(s) that you access by or through the Web Site.

We may have to change this Privacy Policy to reflect new regulations, new technologies or changes to how we collect, use or disclose your personal information. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time at our sole discretion. The date of the most recent revisions will appear at the top of this page.

BY USING OUR ONLINE SERVICES, YOU CONFIRM THAT YOU HAVE READ AND AGREED TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE OF OUR WEB SITE AVAILABLE AT, AND ACCEPT AND CONSENT TO THE PRACTICES DESCRIBED IN THIS PRIVACY POLICY, WHICH YOU ACKNOWLEDGE ARE NECESSARY FOR DIFFCHECKER’S LEGITIMATE BUSINESS INTERESTS. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please do not use or access any of our Web Site, and if you do not agree to any changes to this Privacy Policy that we make in the future, you must end your use of our Web Site and the services available through our Web Site. Any changes will become effective as soon as they are posted to this Privacy Policy and are accessible through the relevant Web Site.

What do you mean by personal information?

Personal information means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with an individual or household. We do not consider personal information to include information that has been de-identified so that it cannot reasonably identify, relate to, describe, be capable of being associated with, or be linked, directly or indirectly, to a particular consumer. Your name, e-mail address, and IP address are all examples of data that may be personal information. “Cookies” may or may not be considered personal information, depending on the law applicable in your jurisdiction and the nature of the cookie. Please see our Cookie Policy below to review detailed information about our use of cookies and similar technology.

What personal information do you collect about me?

We collect and store personal information directly from you when you interact with us or when you submit personal information to us online by or through our Web Site, through our application forms on our Web Site, or when you provide us with personal information through the “Contact” or “Contact Us” form on our Web Site. Categories of personal information that we collect about you when you interact with us online or offline may include the following:

  • Identification data you share with us, including name, and address;
  • Contact information you share with us, including e-mail address, phone number, and mailing address;
  • Where we make available account functionality on a Web Site, information you provide to create an account, including password and username, contact information, and data such as contact preferences;
  • If you send us a query by email or via a contact form on a Web Site, we may collect your name, contact details and details of the query, which we will use to respond to you;
  • Information that you provide to us in connection with your use of the Services, including for example information that you share in documents or content uploaded via the Services;
  • If you choose to make a purchase or subscribe to a feature or service of ours that requires a fee, you will be required to provide us with your payment information, including, without limitation, bank account numbers, credit card or debit card numbers, account details, and similar data (collectively, “Payment Information”); and
  • Information you submit to us directly via email or other communication methods including, but not limited to, general inquiries, media inquiries, and customer support.

We may also collect your personal information from other sources, such as:

  • Our partners and affiliates, and through automatic collection through our Web Site and emails;
  • Our service providers, who may assist us with performing aspects of our services or may handle your personal information on our behalf, as set out in this Privacy Policy;
  • Your computer or device, from which we may obtain information about your location; and
  • Internet activity and other electronic data, such as your IP address, device ID, and information collected from cookies and similar technology when you open our emails and visit our Web Site (for more information about cookies, how we use them, and your related choices, please see our Cookie Policy below).


How do you use my personal information?

We use the above categories of personal information to support our typical business activities, and to provide services to our customers, in particular for the following purposes:

  • Use, process, and reproduce data and any personal information that you provide to us in documents and information that you upload via the Services and the Web Site, for analytical and business purposes. Without limiting the foregoing, we, or our third party service providers, may compile, aggregate, combine with other information, conduct data analytics, develop and manipulate the data and any personal information included therein, and create derivative materials using the data and personal information, without compensation and without restriction;
  • Respond to your requests, for instance, if you contact us by email, by our contact form(s) on our Web Site, and/or through our application forms on our Web Site, or when you provide us with personal information through the “Contact” or “Contact Us” form on our Web Site;
  • Offer you a tailored version of our Web Site;
  • Manage and administer our Web Site;
  • Improve our products or services;
  • Notify you about changes to our legal terms or business practices, or the terms of this Privacy Policy;
  • Get in touch with you after you submit an inquiry to us;
  • Where we make available account functionality on a Web Site, setting up, administering, and managing your account, and your preferences on our Web Site(s);
  • Display advertisements related to products and services that we think may interest you, on our Web Site, in e-mail communications you consent to receive, and/or on social media platforms;
  • Personalizing the version of the Web Site displayed to you, and displaying where our products or services may be obtained from locations near you;
  • Review and use your personal information for compliance with our legal obligations, for the security of us and our employees and customers, and to protect against fraud;
  • Use your Payment Information to process payments for our software and Services, where applicable; and
  • Use and disclose your contact and personal information to our affiliates and advertising partners.

How can I opt-out of receiving marketing e-mails?

We may communicate with you through e-mail for marketing and promotional purposes. When you receive such communications from Diffchecker, you can always unsubscribe using the link in the e-mail. Alternatively, you can reach out directly to us and we will help you out: Contact Us.

How do you protect my personal information?

We strive to implement reasonable measures to protect your personal information against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss or alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, and any other unauthorized access or use. We aim to ensure that the level of security and the measures adopted to protect your personal information are appropriate for the risks presented by the nature and use of your personal information. However, we cannot guarantee that your personal information will be secure from theft, loss, alteration, misuse, or unauthorized access, nor do we make any representation as to the reasonableness, efficacy, or appropriateness of the measures we use to safeguard such information. We are not responsible for any attempt made by a third party to circumvent our privacy and security protocols. Please immediately Contact Us in the event that you feel the security of your personal information has been compromised.

Who will access my personal information in your organization?

We only allow our employees and agents and affiliates, where applicable, to use your personal information on a need-to-know basis. Our employees and agents handling personal information are subject to confidentiality agreements.

Do you share my personal information with third parties?

We may share the categories of personal information described above with service providers that we partner with to assist us in various functions, including providing technological support and performing security and anti-fraud services, providing you with our services where applicable, and providing you with communications and marketing information on our behalf.

These service providers can be classified in the following categories:

  • Marketing partners, which we may use to display advertisements, to send you promotional communications, and for the purposes of cross-promotional advertising among and between Diffchecker and/or one or more of its affiliates and/or agents, and lookalike ad targeting (including developing advertising profiles and look-alike audience profiles);
  • IT service providers, such as our web and data hosting providers; and
  • Other service providers, who we may engage to provide services to us or on our behalf.

These service providers may process your personal information as part of the services they offer to us. We take steps to ensure that our service providers process your personal information in accordance with applicable privacy laws and regulations, only use it in accordance with our contract with them, and keep it secure. If you would like more information about our service providers, including the identities of those service providers, please Contact Us.

We may have to share your personal information if necessary, in our judgment, to comply with laws or regulations or in response to a subpoena, warrant, or legal order, or to protect our rights or the rights of others.

We reserve the right to transfer your personal information to a successor entity (or potential buyer) if we sell or transfer our business operation. We reserve the same right in case of merger, acquisition, bankruptcy, reorganization or sale of assets. In addition, in the event we become the subject of an insolvency proceeding, whether voluntary or involuntary, we or our liquidator, administrator, receiver, or administrative receiver may sell, license or otherwise dispose of such information in a transaction approved by the court.

Our Web Site may contain links to other sites on the Internet that are owned and operated by third parties, including social media (the “External Sites”). Diffchecker has no control over these External Sites, which have separate privacy policies, data collection practices and terms and conditions independent of Diffchecker. If you click on these links, you are leaving our Web Site and the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information will be subject to these third parties’ privacy practices, terms of use, and other contractual documentation listed on such External Sites. Diffchecker has no responsibility or liability for these independent policies or actions and is not responsible for the privacy practices, the terms and conditions or the content of such External Sites.

Where will my personal information be stored?

We may store your personal information in any jurisdiction where we operate, including in Canada. When we share your personal information with our third party service providers, they may store some of your personal information in their databases in Canada, the United States, or elsewhere in the world. If you are accessing our Web Site from jurisdictions outside Canada, please be advised that by transmitting or sending personal information to us, you are transferring your personal information to us in Canada and/or the United States, as applicable, where data protection and privacy laws may be less stringent than the laws of your country.


How long do you keep my personal information?

We will retain your information for as long as needed to provide you with our services, which may include our services through the applicable Web Site, for our valid business purposes, and as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, defend our legal rights, and enforce our agreements. You can request that we delete personal information about you in our possession. If you would like us to delete some or all of your personal information, or delete your account (if applicable), please Contact Us. For questions regarding your account (if applicable) on the Web Site, you can also contact us through the account functionality of the Web Site or by way of the applicable contact information made available on the ‘Contact’ page on our Web Site.

What are my rights regarding my personal information?

Different laws allow you to exercise rights relating to your personal information in our possession. Depending on where you are located, these rights can vary. Your rights usually include the right to:

  • access copies of the personal information that we collect, use and disclose about you, as long as such data remain available in our databases; and
  • ask for the deletion of your personal information in certain circumstances provided by applicable law.

Depending on where you are located and subject to applicable law, you may have additional rights with respect to your personal information in our possession, including:

  • “Right to rectification” – the right to ask for the rectification of your personal information in case it is incorrect, incomplete, invalid or ambiguous;
  • “Right to be forgotten” - the right to request that we erase your personal information in certain circumstances provided by applicable law;
  • “Data portability” - the right to request that we send to another company, where technically feasible, your personal information; and
  • The right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances; for example, if you contest the accuracy of the personal information while we are verifying the accuracy thereof; and
  • The right to object to processing of your personal information where it is processed on the grounds of legitimate business interests.

If you have any questions about your rights or if you want to exercise any of these rights, please Contact Us. We will take reasonable steps to enable you to access your personal information, or to update or correct personal information in our possession that you have previously submitted.

If you request a transcription, reproduction, or transmission of your personal information, we may have to charge a reasonable fee to process your request, subject to applicable laws. In this case, we will contact you about these charges before addressing your request.

Additionally, in some cases, your ability to access or control your personal information will be limited, as required or permitted under the applicable laws. If your request is denied, we will notify you in writing, with the reasons for our refusal and information on how to appeal our decision.

Nevada, California and Virginia Residents

Nevada, California and Virginia residents have the right to submit a verified request directing us not to sell your Personal Information. To submit such a request, please Contact Us

How do we protect children’s privacy online?

Our Web Site is restricted and limited only to users that are above the legal age in their jurisdiction and we do not knowingly collect or store personal information from children. However, if we learn that we have collected personal information from a child without parental consent, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that we have personal information from or about a child, please Contact Us.

How can I reach you if I have more questions, concerns, or any inquiries?

Diffchecker welcomes your comments regarding this Privacy Policy. If you would like more information on this Privacy Policy or Diffchecker’s organizational privacy policies, or if you believe that Diffchecker has not adhered to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please Contact Us, and our privacy officer will get back to you as soon as possible.

Cookie Policy

What are Cookies?

Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers or small data text files that are sent from a server during a browsing session. A cookie is a small piece of information that is placed on your computer when you visit certain web sites. When we refer to “cookies” we include other technologies with similar purposes, such as tags, pixels, and identifiers. Find out more about the use of cookies on

Why do we use cookies?

Diffchecker uses cookies to help us to improve your experience of the Web Site and to ensure that our Web Site performs as you expect them to perform. Cookies can improve your experience of using a web site, for example, by remembering your preference settings and tracking your use of a web site so that it can be improved to meet your needs. You can set your cookie preferences when you arrive at our Web Site, and modify your cookie preferences at any time by modifying the applicable settings on your browser applicable to our Web Site.

Diffchecker uses cookies for the following purposes:

  • To improve your experience when navigating our Web Site;
  • To remember some of your preferences, or save some of your credentials for your next visit to our Web Site;
  • To perform analytics and understand the pages and advertisements that you like, how you ended up on our Web Site and from what type of devices;
  • To provide functionalities and features of our Web Site;
  • To provide information as to where and how visitors to our Web Site navigated to our Web Site (i.e., whether or not you accessed our Web Site via an advertisement, and to identify the web site that you visited before our Web Site); and
  • If you subscribe to our mailing list or newsletter, we can use cookies to know if you opened your e-mail and if so, from what device. If you click on an offer that we sent you by e-mail, you will be redirected to the applicable Web Site for the relevant product or service, and we will know that you visited our applicable Web Site through this communication. This will help us understand which promotions work better than others for you, and will enable us to send you more personalized offers.

What type of Cookies do we use?

When you browse our Web Site, different types of cookies are set on your device’s storage space. Cookies can be installed by us or can be installed by third parties.

  • First Party Cookies – First party cookies are those that are issued by our Web Site domains, and they can only be set or retrieved by us. They are used for purposes specific to us, such as to personalize our Web Site.
  • Third Party Cookies – Third party cookies are usually placed on a web site via scripts or tags added to a web page. Sometimes, these scripts will also bring additional functionality to our Web Site.

We use different categories of cookies, including:

  • Strictly Necessary – These cookies are essential to enable you to navigate our Web Site and use the features and services of our Web Site.
  • Performance Cookies – Performance cookies collect information about how visitors use a web site, such as the pages that visitors go most often, and whether they get an error messages from our web pages. These cookies don’t collect information that allows us to specifically identify you; they only provide aggregated information about our visitors. Most performance cookies are persistent. For example, on our Web Site, we may use a cookie called _ga, which allows Google Analytics to generate aggregated statistical data on how a visitor uses our Web Site. To learn more about Google Analytics privacy practices and opt-out mechanisms, please visit the Google Analytics Security and Privacy Principles page at Google also provides a complete privacy policy and instructions on opting-out of Google Analytics at
  • Functionality Cookies – These cookies are used to allow specific functionalities that are useful to you.
  • Third Party and Personalization Cookies – These cookies are used to deliver advertising that is relevant to you and your interests. For example, these cookies can remember that you visited a web site and share this information with third parties for ad personalization purposes.

How long do cookies stay installed on my device?

We use both session cookies and persistent cookies as described below:

  • Session cookies – Those are files set temporarily on your device and deleted once you close your browser. They are not stored nor transmitted to third parties. We use this type of cookie to ensure you have a user-friendly experience. As an example, we may use a cookie to store a session ID, which allows us to preserve users’ states across page requests. Most of our cookies are session cookies.
  • Persistent cookies – Those remain active on your device for some time, which may vary from a few days to two years after your visit on our applicable Web Site. As an example, we may use a cookie to save your language preference on our applicable Web Site.

Can third parties have access to my cookies?

We use Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting to conduct some analytics on performance of our Web Site. However, we cannot and do not use these cookies or the information tracked by these cookies to track you individually. This service gives us an idea of the overall traffic on our different pages, to help us optimize the Web Site for visitors.

Our Web Site also uses FullStory and/or Mixpanel (together “Web Site Analytics Tools”), website analytics tools that provide session replay, heatmaps, funnels, form analytics, feedback campaigns, and similar features/functionality. The Web Site Analytics Tools may record your clicks, mouse movements, scrolling, form fills (keystrokes) in non-excluded fields, pages visited and content, time on site, browser, operating system, device type (desktop/tablet/phone), screen resolution, visitor type (first time/returning), referrer, anonymized IP address, location (city/country), language, and similar meta data. The Web Site Analytics Tools do not collect any information on pages where they are not installed, nor do they track or collect information outside your web browser. If you would like to opt-out of tracking by Fullstory, please visit If you would like to obtain a copy of your data that is handled by FullStory, make a correction, or have it erased, please contact FullStory at

For a description of Mixpanel’s privacy program and policies, please visit If you would like to obtain a copy of your data that is handled by Mixpanel, make a correction, or have it erased, please contact Mixpanel at If you would like to opt out of tracking by Mixpanel, please Contact Us.

Diffchecker may use interest-based advertising services (sometimes called “remarketing” or “retargeting”) provided by third party vendors (such as Google and Facebook) to display unique offers on third party websites and social media sites visited by users of the Diffchecker Web Site. You may always opt-out of Google’s use of cookies by visiting Google’s Ads Settings. You can also opt out of a remarketing vendor’s use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative’s consumer opt-out page.

Advertising vendors (such as Google and Facebook) use cookies, pixels or tokens – unique identifiers of a web browser on a specific computer that are installed on the computer when it accesses the Diffchecker Web Site – to display ads based on the computer’s past access to the Diffchecker Web Site.

How can I manage my cookie preferences?

Browsers and devices have tools that allow you to control cookies; you can block them, ensure that you are notified when you are subject to cookies and control the cookies already stored on your device. Adjustments to your cookie preferences can be made in your browser settings. However, if you block all the cookies used by our Web Site, you may not be able to access all functionalities of the applicable Web Site.

If you want to opt-out from Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting, you can do so by installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on made available by Google.